Oatmeal Cookies Recipe with Cheese and Pepper
200 grams of oatmeal
50 grams of powdered milk
Room temperature eggs
20 grams of oil
8 grams of baking powder
pinch of salt
Big vinegar hanging
A large spoonful of light feta cheese
A large spoonful of Istanbul feta cheese
Half a fruit each of red, yellow and green pepper cut into small cubes
The way
In a bowl, we will put all the ingredients together and knead with the cheese and the oil, it will not need any liquid at all, and we will form it into balls and put it in a tray greased with oil and press it to form the usual cookie shape and bake it in a hot oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes or until the bottom is browned and you can serve a snack or a healthy breakfast
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